Something is happening.
Still pictures? Suddenly you've required your student to generate a movie in their head of the action. Movie clips? Danger here is that they can be visually overwhelming when attempting to target something specific. Enter "cinemagraphs" a clever combination of photos and video that take visual story telling to the next level. Cinemagraphs isolate one element of the photograph with embedded video. Even better, the video is in a continuous smooth loop--avoiding the jarring "reset" feeling of traditional gifs or Vine. Touted as "living photos", perhaps the Cinemagraph medium could travel beyond art projects and click-bait advertisements to find its way into effective language therapy sessions. You can create your own projects from scratch thanks to services like Flixel or rely on the great interweb to provide. And lucky for you, I've curated a set for the speech room and linked them to QR codes for easy access on the ipad and integration into drill play. Head on over to my TPT store to download your free copy! Cinemagraph Stimulus Cards for the SLP>>>>CLICK PICTURE BELOW
What other ways have you used cinemagraphs in the speech room? I'd love to know!
Psst...Not sure when your client should have those present progressives or regular/irregular verbs? Check out my developmental norms cheat sheet for speech and language. Simply input date of birth and poof! A visual timeline representation of expected language development!
All pictures property of Terry Border, Ever heard of Terry Border? He's a fantastic artist with a talent for creating hilarious stories and scenes with objects.
Head on over to his website, and print out your favorites for tons of language fun. My kiddos loved answering Wh- questions, inferencing what would come next comic strip style, and explaining the humor. Need more? |